Welcome to German-African Initiative for Development and Integration gUG

We promote the integration of Africans in Germany

We promote better German-African relations

We promote increased diaspora engagement in African development

We assist young Africans to study and receive training in Germany

Training Opportunities in Germany

Our Activities
(b) We implement free programmes, workshops and seminars for the integration of African migrants and newcomers in Germany,
(c) We provide free counselling and legal advice to African refugees in Germany,
GAIDI gUG and Relocation Mobility DeLiz!
From Nigeria to Germany
Saturday, 9 March 2024 at 11am
Expert Speakers: Femi Awoniyi and Dele Odusoga
Come and learn about the latest developments in Germany’s migration laws and the new opportunities for training and employment in Germany for foreign nationals
To receive the Zoom link, send an email to info@gaidi.de
Or WhatsApp message to +491621046039
We Can Do More!
Help for Berlin associations to support refugees
We Can Do More! is an aid project organised by GAIDI gUG to support African associations and initiatives in Berlin. The project aims to strengthen African associations for integration work.
Would you like to know how you can get involved in supporting African refugees?
We advise on possible tasks in integration work and provide information on existing support options
In addition to online and telephone counselling, we also offer personal individual counselling by appointment.
We look forward to your call or message!
YANA Berlin
WhatsApp: 0176 84980470
E-Mail: info@gaidi.de
Web: www.gaidi.de

GAIDI is About

Recent Blog Posts

Special: The long road Home and the life Sodiq Ade had hoped for
Do you need advice?
Call us on
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays:
11am – 4pm
Office Phone: 030 - 2300 7440
Mobiltelefon: 0176 – 84980470
Email: info@gaidi.de info@gaidi.de
In addition to online and telephone counselling, we also offer personal individual counselling by appointment.
We look forward to your call!