Germany: Asylum applications of Nigerians, Ghanaians taking longer to process
The duration of asylum proceedings in Germany increased again last year, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has reported. In 2022, it took an average of 7.6 months for a

Germany: Authorities not allowed to check mobile phone of refugees, rules Court
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is not allowed to analyse the mobile phones of asylum-seekers without a concrete reason. This practice is inadmissible if other available findings

Germany: Number of foreign students rises to record level
The number of international students at German universities has risen to a new high in the current winter semester. According to a quick survey, between 360,000 and 370,000 foreign students

Germany: New legal regulations in February 2023
Like almost every new month, February 2023 brings some important changes, including new laws, for people living in Germany. For example, no more compulsory masks on long-distance trains, more drinking

Germany: New laws and other changes in 2023
2023 brings new laws and regulations for people living in Germany. For example, price brakes are to reduce energy costs, health insurance will become more expensive and the 49-euro ticket
Germany: Law providing opportunity for regular residency for ‘tolerated persons’ enters into force
The Opportunity Residence Act (“Chancenaufenthaltsgesetz”) comes into force on 1 January 2023. Tolerated persons in Germany who had been living in Germany for five years or more on the cut-off