New law makes naturalisation easier in Germany
The federal parliament has passed a law to make it easier for foreign residents to become German nationals. The new law on citizenship, provides for faster naturalisation. Furthermore, anyone applying

Germany: New laws and other changes in 2024
The new year brings important changes for people living in Germany. For example, anyone who is dependent on social assistance or citizen?s allowance will receive more money from January. Other

Nigeria advises citizens against travelling abroad without legal papers
A scene in ?In the Missing Steps? a TV series that alerts Nigerian youth to the pitfalls of irregular migration, including falling prey to smugglers and traffickers. The series follows

German parliament passes law to make immigration of skilled workers easier
Germany?s federal parliament, the Bundestag, has passed a bill to reform the Skilled Workers Immigration Act into law. The MPs of the federal governing coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP

Europe: One million asylum applications in 2022
Around one million people applied for asylum in the EU+ countries, comprising EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, last year. This is an increase of

Journalist honoured for supporting African migrants in Berlin
The Berlin-based Gambian journalist and activist Nyima Jadama has been honoured for her engagement against racism and for the empowerment of African migrants. She received this year?s Silvio-Meier-Preis (Silvio Meier